Hi everyone,
We know how much the Wide Bay and Fraser Coast areas mean to everyone here - they’re an important recreational area, and our social networks extend through there as well.
K’gari and the associated Great Sandy Strait are very precious to us all, and it is great to see that the consultation process has resulted in changes to what was initially proposed.
Here’s where we are at:
From: https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/coasts-waterways/marine-parks/zoning/gsmp-review#implementation
As at February 2024, there are several steps required to finalise the Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan:
A commercial fisheries impact mitigation package is being implemented to assist the commercial fishing sector and post-harvest seafood businesses directly affected by these changes.
Processes continue to be finalised to legislate the new zoning plan including:
on 11 October 2023, the Queensland Parliament passed a resolution to progress the revocation of 15 small areas from the Great Sandy Marine Park, totalling approximately 26 hectares, to support the consistent management of public boating infrastructure across the park and better define the upstream extent of the park in three waterways.
on 20 March 2024, a draft of the new zoning plan was published prior to final formal government approval (once approved, the commencement date for the new zoning plan will be set). The draft legislation can be viewed here: Draft Marine Parks (Great Sandy) Zoning Plan (PDF, 2 MB)
Community education to prepare marine park users for the commencement of the new zoning plan.
The new zoning plan comes into effect in 2024 following implementation of the impact mitigation process.
Ongoing implementation of a Regional Economic Enhancement Package which will include infrastructure such as boat ramps and artificial reefs to support recreational fishing and tourism opportunities in the marine park. Further opportunities to explore the expansion of aquaculture in the region will also be investigated.
Community awareness
In the lead up to the new zoning plan taking effect, there will be public education and awareness programs to help support marine park users understand and prepare for the new zoning plan.
Subscribe to be kept informed about when the changes will come into effect.
Clear as the waters of K’gari?
We’re particularly pleased to see the increased protection in the plan for an important grey nurse shark breeding area.
I’m heading off on Easter holidays - and I wanted to wish you and yours a very happy Easter wherever you are and whatever you will be doing.
Much love,