Hi everyone,
There’s a lot of discussion happening in the conservation movement about the quality of the data that Government relies onto make decisions. Wildnet is no longer the best or most comprehensive database. This survey by Gold Coast group GECKO Environment Council, is wanting to get information on citizen science data collection, processing and submission. So if you do any citizen science - if you use iNaturalist, ALA, Wildnet or any other apps to record your observations and data, please participate.
Thanks so much,
Dear citizen science organisers and participants,
You are invited to participate in a short survey on citizen science data.
The purpose of this survey is to improve the Queensland conservation movement's understanding of the contribution of citizen science data to species records. Citizen science data is vital to informing policy and decision making, planning, conservation, invasive species management, and more.
Please help us reach as many people around QLD as we can for best results!
Take 3 minutes now to complete a survey, share widely and encourage citizen science organisations and participants to take part (templates attached).
1. Survey for Citizen Science Participants: https://forms.gle/es9aAcxdPKt2q2acA
2. Survey for Organisations: https://forms.gle/TASedyq3bvUbuqyf8
The surveys close at midnight, Feb 29.
A summary report will be distributed to QLD's Regional Conservation Councils, participants and other environmental groups on request. All information collected is confidential. More information is provided in the surveys and links.
Thank you! We're so grateful for your time and energy as a citizen scientist and value your contributions to help inform advocacy and education in the QLD conservation movement.
Yours in conservation,
Sara Hicks
Kaiala, Jingeri from Kombumerri Country